Congregation B'nai Israel

2710 Park Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06604 | (203) 336-1858 | |

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Childcare Babysitting and Programming

Congregation B’nai Israel 5784 High Holy Day
Childcare Babysitting and Children’s Programming Reservation Form

Shanah Tovah! We are excited to welcome in 5784. We provide child care for children ages 3 months through age 5. We also provide children’s programming for children in grades kindergarten through fifth grade.

Child Care and Children’s programming will be available during the 10:00am services on Rosh Hashanah day 1 and Yom Kippur morning and afternoon/Yizkor. Snacks will be provided.

For children under the age of five, there is a fee of $36 per child per service.

Registration and payment to our office must be made by September 1 3, 2023 **We will not be accepting walk-ins.

Checks should be made out and sent to:
Congregation B’nai Israel, 2710 Park Ave,
Bridgeport, CT 06604. Thank you!


Please email Alexa Cohen to reserve space