September 9, 2021
Dear Friends,
The High Holy Days of 5782 are upon us. Despite these uncertain times, clergy, staff, lay leadership and many generous congregants have crafted a wide range of opportunities to connect to the Days of Awe at Congregation B’nai Israel. Whether it is online, indoors or outdoors, we hope that your and your family’s needs, comfort levels and preferences are addressed so these holidays are as significant and spiritually satisfying as possible. These efforts represent progress in the face of a daunting and lingering menace that is COVID-19. All of us have been forced to be flexible and adapt to changing conditions.
Our current circumstances remind us that, since 1858, the community that is Congregation B’nai Israel has come together and moved forward, adapted to new realities and made new and valuable ways to stay connected. Over the years, the extraordinary efforts of our clergy, staff, teachers and congregants to sustain Congregation B’nai Israel as our Jewish home, through very generous donations of time, talents and monetary gifts, have been amazing! Especially in these challenging days, we appreciate the importance of having a vital and vibrant Reform Jewish institution in the Greater Bridgeport area.
Throughout the last eighteen months, it is gratifying that B’nai Israel has continued warm and welcoming worship services, continued to educate in our Bonim preschool and our Kehilah as well as our adults, continued to expand our experiences through a range of musical and special offerings, continued to work side-by-side for Tikkun Olam, repairing our world, continued to sustain and improve our space, and continued to create community as we celebrated together physically and online as a congregation for life cycle events – from brit milah through b’nai mitzvah, confirmations, weddings, and through times of sadness at funerals and shivas.
We also know that our collective annual contributions do not fund all of the work we do or cover all of the expenses that we incur. Therefore, we ask that you help by giving generously to our High Holy Days appeal. All donations matter, whatever the amount, so please consider even a small additional contribution. Of course, for those of you fortunate enough to be so able, please consider giving at a higher level than in the past. Our goal is to have 100 percent of our community participate in this High Holy Day appeal.
To make a contribution online, please see click below. Please contact our terrific clergy or me at with any other questions or comments. Thank you all for being part of our wonderful synagogue and helping to keep our community thriving.
Shanah Tovah,
Larry Levine
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