High Holy Day Usher Signup

Dear Fellow Congregants,

Thank you for volunteering to be a High Holy Day usher! Ushers help busy services run more smoothly. It is a wonderful mitzvah and a great way to greet old and new friends.

There are many services and positions to fill, so please sign up for more than one service if possible. Please be sure to include your email address and phone number when you sign up. You will be responsible for a 45-minute time slot. Please sign up by Wednesday, September 18th so that we have time to do our scheduling magic! We will let you know your time(s) and responsibility shortly thereafter. Scroll down to sign up.

**Note: Please attend a brief usher orientation on Wednesday, September 25th at 7:15 pm at temple–we will share important information on new emergency procedures, usher responsibilities, and related key building information.**

If you have any questions, please reach out to Ilene Goby  or Evelyn Rubak.

Thank you again for your help and commitment to our wonderful B’nai Israel community.


Ilene Goby and Evelyn Rubak, High Holy Day chairs

High Holy Days Online Usher Signup Form