

Bonim Preschool

Bonim is Hebrew for builders, and we are often asked, builders of what? That’s easy: Bonim preschool builds friendships, community and thoughtful, creative Jewish children. Our goal is to support children in their earliest year of Jewish learning and to educate parents through their child’s activities, thus enriching the whole family. Our philosophy is to develop appropriate social independence and a positive self-image for each child. We are dedicated to helping your child become more accepting of and comfortable with themselves and others, and their Judaism. We help them recognize their loving and creative potential as individuals. Learn more.

Kehilah (Religious School)

Kehilah is the Hebrew word for community, and it is the name for our school activities for children in grades K-7. We believe that Jewish identity comes from learning and experiencing being part of a community of peers. We find that kids are far more interested in coming to temple to be with their Kehilah, than they are for more school. We believe that our kids form and develop their Jewish identity through relationships. Our job is making connections – with other kids, adults, ideas and traditions. And we do it by having fun and getting to know one another. Experiential learning techniques and Jewish values are how we make the Kehilah experience different from religious school. Here we learn by doing, by learning how to make decisions based on Jewish values and our individual and family priorities. Learn more.