The Mitzvot Program is for Bar/Bat Mitzvah students and is meant to enhance their experience while completing the journey to becoming a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Participating students design a meaningful mitzvah project or projects based on their interests and passions.
They meet with the Mitzvah coordinator to brainstorm ideas and create a plan or framework for their projects, and students are encouraged to devote at least 13-18 hours on their mitzvah activities. The Mitzvot program is voluntary, though everyone is encouraged to participate. Mitzvot can include activities in the following areas: torah/learning, avodah/rituals , g’mellut chasedim/kindness. In addition, students are encouraged to participate in group and community activities.
The primary objective of the Mitvot Program is to engage students (and their families) in Tikun Olam in ways that are meaningful and memorable. It is also a great way for families to be engaged and connect to the community.
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