Congregation B'nai Israel

2710 Park Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06604 | (203) 336-1858 | |

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B’nai Israel Outdoor Chanukah Candle Lightings

B’nai Israel Outdoor Chanukah Candle Lightings

Join us at B’nai Israel throughout Chanukah as we light our outdoor menorah. We will be lighting together each night – no need to RSVP for these lightings, just come on by! 

1st Candle (Sunday, December 18): Candle Lighting at 4:00pm as part of Chanukah Around Town

2nd Candle (Monday, December 19): Candle Lighting at 6:30pm with our Bonim Preschool Community

3rd Candle (Tuesday, December 20): Candle Lighting at 6:45pm with our Kehilah and Merkaz Communities

4th Candle (Wednesday, December 21): Candle Lighting at 5:00pm

5th Candle (Thursday, December 22): Candle Lighting at 5:45pm with our Kehilah Community

6th Candle (Friday, December 23): Candle Lighting at 5:45pm before Shabbat Services

7th Candle (Saturday, December 24): Candle Lighting at 5:00pm

8th Candle (Sunday, December 25): Candle Lighting at 5:00pm