B’nai Israel Outdoor Chanukah Candle Lightings
Join us at B’nai Israel throughout Chanukah as we light our outdoor menorah. We will be lighting together each night – no need to RSVP for these lightings, just come on by!
1st Candle (Sunday, December 18): Candle Lighting at 4:00pm as part of Chanukah Around Town
2nd Candle (Monday, December 19): Candle Lighting at 6:30pm with our Bonim Preschool Community
3rd Candle (Tuesday, December 20): Candle Lighting at 6:45pm with our Kehilah and Merkaz Communities
4th Candle (Wednesday, December 21): Candle Lighting at 5:00pm
5th Candle (Thursday, December 22): Candle Lighting at 5:45pm with our Kehilah Community
6th Candle (Friday, December 23): Candle Lighting at 5:45pm before Shabbat Services
7th Candle (Saturday, December 24): Candle Lighting at 5:00pm
8th Candle (Sunday, December 25): Candle Lighting at 5:00pm
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