We continue to extend our sympathy to the bereaved families of:
Sidney Fialk
Betty Landes, mother of Linda Barlaam
Elaine Saltman, step-mother-in-law of Gil Saltman
Joseph Weisblatt, father of Adam Weisblatt
David Carasso, husband of Colette Carasso
Gary Rosoff, son of Elaine Rosoff, brother of Renee Noren
Herbert Bernstein, father of Sherry Fogel
Betty Levy, mother of Elaine Borno
Dr. James Kauders, husband of Barbara Kauders
Margaret Fiedler, mother of Sue Sussman
Sonya Schopick, mother of Daniel Schopick
Ronald Sheiman, father of Laura Sheiman
Marilyn Shook, wife of Robert Shook
Lois Campbell, mother of Janet Rosen
Howard Bindelglass, father of David Bindelglass
Allan Aaron, husband of Harriet Aaron
Morton Ruden, father of Jeffrey Ruden
Richard Sacks, father of Debbie Viens
Robert Caston, husband of Miriam Caston
Muriel Mann, mother of Luise Mann
Sylvia Weitzer
Nicole Najmowicz, daughter of Colette Carasso
And share the joy with these members of our community:
Stew and Dale Barcham, in celebration of the marriage of daughter, Lindsay, to Adam Gottfried.
Bruce and Alicia Wettenstein, in celebration of Steven and Alison Wettenstein’s wedding.
Jodi and Noel Fogelman, in celebration of the birth of son, Tyler Jacob Fogelman, brother of Zachary and Abigail.
Linda and Joel Bernstein, in celebration of the engagement of daughter, Jillian, to Dan Warren.
Sharon and Scott Harris, in celebration of the birth of granddaughter, Sadie Quinn Harris, daughter of Danny and Blake Harris.
Ellen Hyde Phillips, in celebration of Ellen becoming President of the Woman’s Auxiliary at the JSS.
Marcie and David Slepian, in celebration of daughter Susannah’s marriage to Mohamed Adel.
Janet Rosen, in celebration of the marriage of son, Matthew Rosen, to Danielle.
Elizabeth Walden, on receiving the Women in Cable Telecommunications – New England Chapter’s 2019 Evening of Excellence Emerging Leader Award.
Sheryl and George Santiago, in celebration of daughter Arielle’s engagement to Lindsay Albright.
Mindy and Jeff Siegel, in celebration of daughter Rebecca’s engagement to Alex Bacon.
Paul and Patricia Buchbinder, in celebration of the marriage of son, Daniel Buchbinder, to Alicia Kelman.